conference KAON09 Scientific Program   from Tuesday 09 June 2009 (09:00)
to Friday 12 June 2009 (17:00)
at EPOCHAL TSUKUBA International Congress Center ( Convention Hall 300 )

Tuesday 09 June 2009 toptop

09:00->10:30    Opening session (Convener: Andrzej Buras (Munich Tech. U) )
09:00 Welcome (10') (files Slides pdf file  )
09:10 Theoretical Studies of Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents in 1980's (40') (files Slides pdf file   ) C.S. Lim (Kobe)
09:50 Kaon physics from lattice (40') (files Slides pdf file  ) Peter Boyle (Edinburgh)
break (20')

10:50->12:00    CP and T violation (1) (Convener: Matthew Moulson (INFN) )
10:50 Final results on epsilon'/eplison and assiciated parameters from KTeV (40') (files Slides pdf file  ) Ed Blucher (Chicago)
11:30 Review of NA48 CP violation measurements with neutral and charged kaons (30') (files Slides pdf file   ) Monica Pepe (INFN - Perugia)
lunch (1h30')

13:30->15:00    CP and T violation (2) (Convener: Rainer Wanke (Mainz) )
13:30 NNLO contributions to epsilon_K and rare Kaon decays (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Martin Gorbahn (Munich Tech U)
14:00 Measurement of the KS and KL lifetimes and the absolute K+- -> 3pi branching ratio with KLOE (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Serena Bocchetta (INFN - Roma 3)
14:30 The TREK experiment to search for T violation in kaon decays at J-PARC (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Jun Imazato (KEK)
break (20')

15:20->17:00    CKM matrix, Rare decays (1) (Convener: Jun Imazato (KEK) )
15:20 Review on Flavianet analyses (35') (files Slides pdf file  ) Matteo Palutan (INFN - Frascati)
15:55 Measurement of the FCNC decays K+- -> pi+- l+ l- from NA48 (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Evgueni Goudzovski (Birmingham)
16:15 Long-distance effects in rare and radiative K decays (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Christopher Smith (Karlsruhe)
16:45 Probing New Physics in Charm Couplings with Kaon and Other Hadron Processes (15') (files Slides-090901 pdf file  ) Jusak Tandean (National Taiwan U)

17:00->18:50    poster session, concurrently with welcome drink (the floor in front of Convention Hall 300 )

Wednesday 10 June 2009 toptop

09:00->10:10    Lepton universality (1) (Convener: Paride Paradisi (Munich Tech. U) )
09:00 Precision SM calculations and theoretical interests beyond the SM in Kl2 and Kl3 decays (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Emilie Passemar (Bern)
09:30 Lepton Universality test with leptonic kaon decays at NA62 (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Evgueni Goudzovski (Birmingham)
09:50 Test of lepton flavor violation with Ke2 decay at KLOE (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Barbara Sciascia (INFN - Frascati)
KAON09 Group Photos (05')
break (15')

10:30->12:00    topics on Lattice gauge theory (Convener: Peter Boyle (Edinburgh) )
10:30 Theoretical strategies on epsilon'/epsilon (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Norman Christ (Columbia)
11:00 Lattice determination of the Kaon form factors from ETMC (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Federico Mescia (Barcelona)
11:30 The FLAG working group: making lattice results accessible to phenomenologists (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Gilberto Colangelo (Bern)
lunch (1h30')

13:30->15:00    topics on Chiral perturbation theory (1) (Convener: Christopher Smith (Karlsruhe) )
13:30 Convergence of chiral perturbation theory in dynamical lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) JunIchi Noaki (KEK)
14:00 Observation of pi-pi scattering in KL->3pi0 decays by KTeV (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Ed Blucher (Chicago)
14:20 Probing non perturbative QCD with the cusp effect in kaon decays by NA48 (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Dmitry Madigozhin (JINR)
14:40 Precision Measurement of pi pi Scattering Lengths in Ke4 Decays by NA48 (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Brigitte Bloch-Devaux (Saclay)
break (20')

15:20->17:00    topics on Chiral perturbation theory (2) (Convener: Ed Blucher (Chicago) )
15:20 Studies of the QCD and QED effects on isospin breaking (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Taku Izubuchi (BNL)
15:50 Rare and radiative kaon decays from KLOE (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Matthew Moulson (INFN - Frascati)
16:10 The Study of K -> mu nu gamma Decay at ISTRA+ Setup (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Viacheslav Duk (INR-RAS)
16:30 Results on radiative kaon decays from NA48 (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Rainer Wanke (Mainz)

Thursday 11 June 2009 toptop

09:00->10:10    CPT and Quantum Mechanics, HyperCP anomaly (Convener: Giuseppe Ruggiero (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN - Pisa) )
09:00 Quantum coherence and CPT symmetry tests in the neutral kaon system at KLOE (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Antonio Di Domenico (Sapienza and INFN-Rome1)
09:30 Search for a New Neutral Boson in the Rare Decay K_L -> pi0pi0mu+mu- from KTeV (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) David Phillips (Virginia)
09:50 Search for a light pseudoscalar particle in the decay K->pi0pi0X at the KEK-PS E391a experiment (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Yu-Chen Tung (National Taiwan U)
break (20')

10:30->11:30    J-PARC (Convener: Tadashi Nomura (KEK) )
10:30 J-PARC accelerator complex and facilities (45') (files Slides pdf file  ) Masashi Shirakata (KEK)
11:15 Information from Local Organizing Committee (A guide to the J-PARC tour, Proceedings) (15')
lunch (1h15')

12:45->18:00    tour to the J-PARC site
banquet (2h00')

Friday 12 June 2009 toptop

09:00->10:20    Rare decays (2), Lepton universality (2) (Convener: Federico Mescia (Barcelona) )
09:00 Measurement of the decay K+ ->pi+ nu nubar (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Doug Bryman (British Columbia)
09:30 The NA62 experiment at CERN for K+->pi+nunubar (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Giuseppe Ruggiero (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN - Pisa)
09:50 SUSY effects in Kaon physics: Lepton Universality tests and rare decays (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Paride Paradisi (Munich Tech. U)
break (20')

10:40->12:00    Rare decays (3) (Convener: Doug Bryman (British Columbia) )
10:40 Patterns of Flavour Violation in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity and a RS Model with Custodial Protection (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Andrzej Buras (Munich Tech. U)
11:10 Search for KL->pi0nunubar at the E391a experiment (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Hideki Morii (Kyoto)
11:40 J-PARC E14 KOTO experiment for KL->pi0nunubar (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Hajime Nanjo (Kyoto)
lunch (1h30')

13:30->15:00    Future opportunities (Convener: Monica Pepe (INFN - Perugia) )
13:30 Physics with the KLOE2 experiment at the phi factory (20') (files Slides pdf file  )   ) Paolo Branchini (INFN - Roma3)
13:50 Project-X at FNAL (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Doug Bryman (British Columbia)
14:10 New opportunities in the physics landscape at CERN (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) Ewa Rondio (CERN)
14:30 Status of "OKA" experiment (15') (files Slides pdf file  ) Victor Kurshetsov (IHEP-Protvino)
14:45 Status of the KLOD experiment at IHEP (Protvino) U-70 proton synchrotron (15') (files Slides pdf file  ) Alexander Ostankov (IHEP-Protvino)
break (20')

15:20->16:45    summary: prospects for Flavor Physics and the roles of Kaon decays (Convener: Flavio Costantini (INFN) )
15:20 precise SM tests (40') (files Slides pdf file  ) Gilberto Colangelo (Bern)
16:00 search for new physics beyond the SM (40') (files Slides pdf file  ) Yasuhiro Okada (KEK)
16:40 Concluding remarks (05') (files Slides pdf file  )